Member of LOG-IT Club

Agricultural Products and Animal Feed

The agricultural products and animal feed sector is a sensitive area of transport, in which higher hygiene and purity requirements have to be met. Sievert Logistik meets the prerequisites for compliance with the demands governing the transport of agricultural products and animal feed.

The company has DIN ISO 9001 quality management certification in:

  • GMP+ for animal feed (Good Manufacturing Practice)
  • SQAS (Safety and Quality Assessment System)

GMP+ is a safety system that goes beyond the requirements of national legislation and EU regulations and is intended to fully rule out hazards to humans, animals and the environment.

Warehouse logistics: block and rack storage

Transport logistics: national and European transport with our own equipment and reliable, long-standing partners, contract and procurement logistics

A selection of products: all kinds of cereals and animal feed, grape marc, sediments, pellets, sand